The force of Art: Resignifying the space

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María José Guillermo Echeverría
María de Lourdes Martínez Ortiz
Gandy Griselda Quijano-Zavala


Art, etnography, performativity, resignification


Our objective is to display, from our own experience, how the exceptional character of art, its force, is manifested. The employed method is qualitative, which we call performative etnography, as we recognize ourselves as part of the studied population and we are conscious of us being performed and constructed through the process. The common thread of this article is to expose the performative processes in the appropiation dynamic and continuous resignification of the space, the ideas exposed by Krzysztof Ziarek about the force of art in dialogue with Theodor W. Adorno are followed.

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Adorno, Theodor W. Teoría Estética. Madrid: Taurus, 1980.

Soja, EW. (1989). Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory. London: Verso.

Soja, EW. (1996). Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places. Cambridge, Massachussetts: Blackwell.

Ziarek, Krzysztof. The force of Art. California: Stanford University Press, 2004.