Technological indicators for the selection of Mooc platforms

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Susan Yulieth Huertas López
Fredy Yesid Mesa Jiménez


Indicator; computing; technology; open education, selection criteria.


The usefulness of   the   Massive   Open Online Courses platforms allows to develop personalized training experiences, with the advantage that these courses are offered through virtual environments, which can be accessed at any time and from anywhere in the world, through the internet. Given the high offer in electronic education, how can you select a course that meets the criteria of quality and reliability? This study seeks to analyze the technological aspects that intervene in the quality of a virtual course. For this purpose, a documentary review, evaluations, observations and explorations are carried out to establish some indicators that affect the assessment of technological aspects in MOOC platforms, that establish indicators in three typologies: 1) equipment technology, 2) operation technology and 3) technology of product, through which a quantitative and qualitative assessment can be carried out sequentially within the development of a course, then if you want to perform a MOOC you must establish the required technological components according to the need.

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