Level of proficiency of the investigative competences of the aspirants to enter the post-graduate program of the UPEL-IMPM

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Jesús Eduardo Pulido


competence, investigative competence, research project, degree work


The objective of the present work is to determine the level of mastery of the investigative competencies of teachers who aspire to enter the postgraduate program in Educational Orientation, offered by the Pedagogical Experimental University Libertador-Institute for Professional Improvement of Teaching. In order to achieve the objective, a quantitative research approach was used, with a non-experimental character and transversal design with a descriptive scope. The contributions of Pereira-Chaves (2010), Tobón and Núñez-Rojas (2006), among others, allowed to form the theoretical foundation that guides the study. The results indicate that the majority of the postgraduate students have little mastery of the competences to elaborate the sections of the research project, so it is recommended to conduct, in each course or subject, conversations between students and researchers to share experiences related to the Of being, knowing and doing of the investigative competence

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