The gross psychomotricity in children from 12 to 18 months in a CIBV of the canton Latacunga

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María Fernanda Constante B
Yolanda Paola Defaz Gallardo
Lorena Aracely Cañizares Vasconez
Patricia Catherine Culqui Cerón
Juan Carlos Chancusig Chisag


Coarse psychomotricity, Coordination, Influence factors, Strategies


One of the main challenges for Ecuadorian society, and of the government and the authorities, is to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of children and adolescents as part of a highly vulnerable and traditionally neglected human group. Determined the objective of determining strategies to improve gross psychomotricity for the benefit of the development of children, so it was necessary, firstly to diagnose and determine the essential characteristics for the development of children of the determined age, to later systematize The strategies that adapt to the work of the CIBV in order to improve the development of gross psychomotor development and the development of boys and girls from 12 to 18 months, the investigative work required the methodological application based on a critical approach because, Analyzed the problem to generate a solution proposal; Principles of bibliographic and field research were applied in each of the planned stages; In addition to the data collection, the work with the technique of the survey, the interview and the observation with their respective previously designed instruments was proposed; The project is therefore of great importance since it allowed to analyze a deep diagnosis to the problematic, as well as to determine causes and effects in order to potentiate strengths and diminish the impact of operative weaknesses, the beneficiaries directly were 7 children from 12 to 18 months, 7 parents; And indirect beneficiaries of 7 professionals working in child care and society in general. It has been determined that the main result obtained makes clear that those in charge of providing care for children require an urgent update in the selection, application and evaluation of strategies that optimize the development of gross psychomotor activity, in turn has been identified The impact of the project is technical and social, as it contributes to the professional performance of those working with a priority group and the social field because it improves the quality of life of children. 

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