Human capital: bases for economic growth and the application of science in the regions

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Eucadys Cujia Guerra
Elkin Tobías Guerra Herrera
Alfredo Gámez Gámez


Education, Science, Capital, Knowledge, Human


In the modern era, where important changes in science and technology have taken place, which in a certain measure have changed society, human capital plays an important role, since this transformation was driven by knowledge-based man. In this way, knowledge applies not only to the productive processes and services to achieve economic growth, but also in the knowledge itself to advance more quickly.

The scientific-technological advances that occur today are moving at an incalculable speed and the clearest way to achieve development is to move from an industrial society to a knowledge society, where technology and organizational innovation centers are the platform for a more dynamic and less unequal world, if there is human capital prepared (specialized labor), it can be said that there are firm bases to generate economic growth with a view to the development of the regions.

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