Urban centers and the recycling of heritage buildings as a stage for multicultural learning

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Florinda Sanchez Moreno
Mario Perilla Perilla


recycling, heritage, multicultural, resignification


Nowadays, traditional city centers are active schools for the learning of cultural, urban and architectural processes due to the multiplicity of facets they exhibit. Latin American cities are rich in complexity, in light of the postulates of García Canclini, who highlights this characteristic from postmodernity. The article takes reflections from the authors in relation to the central sectors of the city as scenarios for heritage learning, this being the first approach to recognize a society from its multiculturalism. The sociocultural changes resulting from the turn of the century, together with the rise and mass of technology, have become one of the most influential factors in conserving and recovering real estate. The preservation of the collective memory contained in some of the buildings of our cities demands an in-depth study regarding their reinsertion in the new times. In this sense, the didactic proposal is presented as a learning laboratory based on recognition of the changes that have arisen in the real estate, in its immediate environment and in the urban landscape to which it belongs, offering various nuances of analysis, and cultural contrasts arising in each time of intervention, becoming an open-air, permanent and active museum.

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