Book Review reflections to improve research in the Ecuadorian university from a look at the Technical University of Manabí

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Julio César Arboleda


reflections, investigation, college


Under the stamp Editorial Redipe, this publication is presented, as an exercise in proactive and daring critical reflection. It is centered around educational, formative and investigative elements specific to an excellent Ecuadorian university.
Well-founded audacity is one of the conditions of analytical, critical, lateral and investigative thinking, when improving a given issue, making the evaluation, in this case, a truly genuine and edifying issue. With this perspective, it is expected that it constitutes an unavoidable point of reference to strengthen processes of educational evaluation, in order to improve the contexts, people, resources and processes related to the scientific research of the university object of analysis.

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Herrán G. A. (2018). Reflexiones para mejorar la investigación en la universidad ecuatoriana desde una mirada a la Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Editorial Redipe Capítulo Estados Unidos, Bowker-Books in print, 133 pgs.