Validity and reliability of the work-family interaction questionnaire (swing) in workers of a mining company of la libertad, Perú

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Nataly Briggete Ingunza Lastra
Miguel Alfredo Carrasco Muñoz


criterion validity, reliability analysis, workers, psychometry, questionnaire


The present research is of a psychometric, descriptive and correlational type of the Spanish questionnaire «Survey Work-Home Interaction-Nijmegen» (SWING), adapted by Bernardo Moreno Jiménez to evaluate the relations between work and family. Their psychometric properties were studied in a sample of 343 workers from a mining company of Libertad-Perú 2016. The process of validation of the questionnaire comprised in the analysis of the validity of content by judges criterion through the coefficient V of Aiken. The evaluation of the psychometric characteristics was carried out in two phases: in the first with a pilot sample to determine the analysis of reagents through the index of discrimination (the item-test correlation). The second phase with a target sample was again determined the index of discrimination where an item was modified. The results of the confirmatory criterion analysis make the four-factor model the one that best fits the data (obtained in the standard goal through the interviews). The analysis of reliability of the scale indicated that this adapted version and validity for Peruvian mining workers has a good internal consistency, with values ranging between 0.825 and 0.892 per area. It is concluded that this version has adequate psychometric properties, and suggested guidelines for the use of the Peruvian version of this questionnaire in future research. A software version of the questionnaire was also developed which facilitates the application and correction of the questionnaire.

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