The challenge of educating in times of the digitalization of life: towards a pedagogy of relations between body, text and technology

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Hernán Javier Riveros Solórzano


technological changes, biotechnology, genetics, language, critical thinking, aesthetics


This article presents an educational proposal for the development of critical thinking about the processes of advancing biotechnology and the digitalization of life. To fulfill this purpose, the relationship between body, text and technology is worked as an aesthetic and ethical element that allows to understand the transformations of existence with the advancement of different tools in the field of technosciences and their implications in the transformations of corporality and subjectivity in its connection with contemporary social and cultural conditions. Likewise, based on a theoretical framework and methodological design tuned to the current debates in the field of social, educational and technological studies, the document presents the ways in which it would be feasible to consolidate actions in the classroom that allow the construction of pedagogical processes of convergence between different disciplines. This with the purpose of generating educational actions that respond to the critical - creative needs of a context in which the episteme of life as information requires new practices to think about ways of living and educating in a time of changes and transformations  Finally, biopragmatics is presented as the possibility of educational work in which a critical function of the imagination as an element is proposed to propose the processes of appropriation of existence as a work of art and of the body as textuality, which are required to pedagogically address a historical moment transformed by conditions such as the acceleration of time, the virtuality of space and molecular rationality, which are a consequence of the development of technologies capable of reading and modifying the code of life.

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