Tecnologías del aprendizaje y el conocimiento en el aprendizaje integrado de contenido y lenguas extranjeras para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa intercultural


Leidy Dayan Perlaza Torres
Adela Macias Molina
Gonzalo Romero Martínez



This article focuses on the incidence of learning knowledge technologies and the content learning integrated language approach in the development of intercultural communicative competence (ICC). ICC is considered a relevant competence for the 21st century in the process of teaching and learning foreign languages and the integral development of students. This research arose from the need to complement the development of communicative skills in English students from the UCEVA Language Department of the municipality of Tulua. With the aim of developing intercultural competence in 32 students of English level 2 of Teens and Adults programs. In order to promote the recognition, respect, and acceptance of cultural diversity and the enrichment of cultural identity through interaction, and socialization with others in different situations and contexts. To carry out this quantitative study, with a quasi-experimental design, the “ICC skill to 21st-century” test was applied as a pre-test and post-test to identify and evaluate the level of development of intercultural communicative competence in the participants. Also, the didactic unit “Beyond my thoughts” framed in the use of LKT tools and the CLIL approach was implemented and the descriptive frequency and independent samples techniques of the SPSS v.20 were used to analyze the data obtained. As a result, the statistical analysis showed that there were no significant incidents in the development of intercultural communicative competence, therefore the null hypothesis was accepted. While the descriptive results reflected that the implementation of the didactic unit generated an impact on the development of this 21st-century skill given that intercultural communicative competence involves both the dimensions of people and those experiences that they live. Therefore, its evaluation is not limited to tests but to the analysis and reflection that students make of their process sequentially when facing their reality.


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