La cocina como estrategia pedagógica. Abordar desde el encuentro con "Otros" la celiaquía, es construir un "Nosotros", que conlleva a acceder a un buen vivir


María de los Ángeles Cignoli


Cooking, Pedagogical Strategy, Celiac disease, Without TACC, Good Living


This work arises within the framework of the Pehuajó Solidarity Network (RSP), where a voluntary group, independent since 1997, meets alternating kitchen/s to discuss some issues of interest related to signs and symptoms that a member of their family suffered, without know the condition of Celiac disease. Currently, the fact of being celiac in the social context where one lives and/or in the tourist places that they visit, do not always meet the nutritional needs of children, adolescents, young people, adults, people in general who they suffer from Celiac disease. That is to say, the achievement of Municipal Ordinance 94/2019 in district 079 of the province of Buenos Aires and the Laws: National and Provincial in Argentina are still known and are gradually being complied with, being the Gastronomic offer, sale of food, services of confectionery, among other insufficient. They do not have at least one menu for celiacs, with few exceptions. In other words, the group of aware independent volunteers not only incorporates knowledge to self-manage celiac disease, but as an informal entity it is managing to transpose in formal institutions, the community of the contextterritory, non-profit activities with the objective of: disseminate, raise awareness and make celiac disease visible as a pedagogical strategy. That is, to make visible the advances developed in the 21st century, the very concept of this chronic disease, which went from being defined as a mere food intolerance, to being recognized as a systemic pathology with an autoimmune basis.

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