Polya methodology in the development of competence interpretation in youth
Main Article Content
Solomon method, problem solving, interpret, mathematics, calculation, competencies, teaching-learning strategies
The article is the result of a qualitative research methodology with a descriptive approach of an exploratory nature. It seeks to describe the pedagogical practices developed by teachers who implement projects of creation and innovation in the classroom and who contribute to the development of competencies in students. It was carried out at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander and Escuela Superior de Administración Pública in Norte de Santander- Colombia, in mathematics and pre-university course’s. The target population of the research is made up of students and teachers of mathematics I calculation and pre-university courses. The instrument used is a survey applied to both students and teachers of these levels. The results indicate that the pedagogical practices carried out by teachers contribute to the development of competencies in students. Compared to the competency-based approach, they consider it to be positive, because the knowledge assimilated should be used in practical life.
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