A review of the literature on the teaching and learning of logarithms (2000-2013): history and epistemology

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Jeannette Vargas Hernández


teaching and learning, logarithms, history and epistemology


With the results of this research it is sought to make a theoretical contribution in the field of mathematics education, in particular to pre-calculus teachers, through a classification and description of inquiries; in which specific characteristics of logarithmic functions are recognized. A process of review and characterization is carried out based on the notion of didactic knowledge of the content, with a frame of reference in the historical and epistemological development of the concept, from the delineation presented by Vargas (2017).
The path was followed with the intention of impacting the training of teachers, with the analyzes concerning research reports, by establishing an alternative to concerns concerning identifying ¿From the knowledge of the historical development of the concepts logarithm and logarithmic function, what contributions can they be proposed for conceptualization by mathematics teachers in training and in practice?

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