Influence of higher education on youth entrepreneurship in university students: a theoretical approach

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Germán Darío Hémbuz Falla
Ana María Sánchez Avilés
Valeria Bermeo Diaz


Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Higher Education, University Students, Business Education


Entrepreneurship is a key factor for the emergence of companies, behind entrepreneur being is linked to  innovator being, this is an issue that is subscribed like a cultural fact where human beings achieving their individual development, while their business environment wind up providing benefits for their personal and professional growth. Article analyses researches that recognizes the importance of entrepreneurship in the young people forming, based on different university experience  located in  Malaysia, Australia, Tunisia, Venezuela, Nigeria, Latin America, specially   in  Colombia. The review of entrepreneurship concept, run around from different authors over time, which has generated changes in its conception, deriving theory complements that have allowed talking about entrepreneur being, entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial profile and entrepreneurial skills. In this way, the analysis focuses in youth students  entrepreneurship universities who haves the ability to carry out formal and legal processes aimed to satisfy a specific need at market place, on  employment generating and offer of  products techniques and/or services by seizing opportunities that allow market positioning and develop their agency capacity despite their age in different productive sectors. Finally,  is recognized that the personal characteristics of youth student universities entrepreneurs are gather on life force, desire of improvement and progress, ability to identify opportunities, prospective of future vision, creative and innovative ability, acceptance and propensity for change, initiative, confidence in one's own faculties, positive mental attitude towards success, commitment, constancy, perseverance, among others.

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