Teacher training and indigenous education

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Isabel De la Cruz Pastor
Maria Isabel Román Hernández
Humberto Santos Bautista


Teacher Training, Indigenous and Intercultural Education, Educational Lag, Indigenous Comunities


Historically, in Mexico the educational gap is registered in the southern states, such as Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Michoacán, and it is a problem that has not been transcended. In this paper we only study the case of the State of Guerrero, because it seems to us that it is where the gaps of this lag can best be seen, which tends to reproduce in each school year, and bilingual primary schools are the ones that register the most high dropout rates and absenteeism of students and teachers, because the communities where they are located are highly marginalized and a large part of the population is still illiterate. The educational backwardness in the institutions of the indigenous environment is an emerging problem that cannot be solved if the structural causes that gave rise to it are not simultaneously addressed, and which can be seen in the teacher training of bilingual teachers, who were not trained to deal with the complexity of teaching in highly marginalized areas. There is a close link between the deficiencies of the educational services that are registered in bilingual schools and the training of the teachers who are attached to them, since the staff who attend these schools have scattered training, ranging from teachers who only They have completed high school studies until the few who have managed to access graduate school. Consequently, the attention to the educational backwardness in the institutions of the indigenous environment, must be oriented to strengthen the learning processes of the boys and girls who attend these schools, linking this project to the backwardness in the training of bilingual teachers who They work in these institutions, in order to propose changes that transform pedagogical practice to transcend the gap of educational backwardness.

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