Analysis of the implementation of BIM methodology in low complexity buildings in Colombia, through IDM and process maps

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Florinda Sánchez Moreno
José Fernando Higuera
Ana Dorys Ramírez López
Yuber Alberto Nope Bernal
Jaime Olivier Soto Muñoz


BIM, IDM, sustainable construction, construction management


The evolution of information and communication technologies, especially during the XXI century, have led to paradigm changes in all fields of knowledge, favoring more efficient management processes and the implementation of networking in many of the sectors that energize the national economy.

In this context, one of the sectors that is characterized by its contribution to the socio-economic development of the country is Construction, with a 7% contribution to the gross domestic product, and the generation of 1.8 million jobs per year in its production chain (Dinero Magazine .2018), which entails great social responsibility, and the permanent search for cutting-edge technologies that make activity more sustainable in all areas, both economic and socio-environmental, betting on the global purposes of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the objectives of the Colciencias Green Book Challenges 2030.

One of the technologies in which construction has ventured in recent decades is the management model using BIM methodology that was already being developed worldwide since the early 1980s. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process where they are generated and data of an architectural or civil work is managed using dynamic three-dimensional modeling software with properties of the components that allow obtaining reports in real time as the data of the model is updated, thereby optimizing the resources of a constructive project throughout its life cycle, from the integration of multidisciplinary teams that contribute to the development of the project, and to decision-making in real time, improving performance time indicators, operating costs and inconsistencies between specialties.

In Colombia, around two million square meters of construction are approved monthly (DANE 2019), of which 80% correspond to licenses for housing buildings, by medium and small construction companies, which is why it becomes the leading segment that guides and provides significant results for the sector. In this context, the objective of the research is to identify the degree of implementation of the BIM methodology in the construction processes of work with real data, and the possible problems and aspects to improve in the implementation of BIM technology, related to personnel of work from each of their roles, based on a case study. The exploratory and field research methodology provides quantitative and qualitative data obtained from interviews with focus groups of the construction company. These data are integrated by applying the IDM Information Delivery Manual, to then generate a process map with which problems are identified in the BIM implementation processes, evidencing the change of paradigms regarding the training of the builder and the new specialists that they are involved in the design, construction and operation of construction projects.

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