Two visions of the curriculum in bilingual teaching

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Neira Loaiza Villalba
Margarita Alexandra Botero Restrepo
Jacqueline García Botero


curriculum, economistic vision of the curriculum, socio- critical vision of curriculum


This reflection article develops two conceptions (economic and socio-critical) of curriculum that underlie current teaching and research practices in the field of education. The former, at the beginning of the last century, responds to economic and technocratic considerations. The latter, to which the authors adhere, answers to social, historical, cultural and political considerations of socio-critical trends, which is making its way since the 1970s in an attempt to humanize the school as an institution, and transcend an economistic approach to education widespread in the globalized society of today. The positions argued about these two opposing curricular views are taken from our position of language teachers, from how we understand the socio-critical vision of curriculum in our academic field (bilingualism and bilingual education) and how this approach permeates our job.

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