Intervention of community processes in the commercial activity of dairy producers in the Municipality of Soracá, (Boyacá – Colombia)

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Angela Johana Bermudez Morales
Martha Leonor Saiz Sáenz


Commercial activity, Community processes, dairy community


The objective of this article is to determine the community processes in the association of small dairy producers of the municipality of Soracá that take part in the development of their commercial activity. The analysis was carried out utilizing the Atlas Ti version 7.0 software, using two codings for the interpretation of the data, the open coding and the axial coding, reaching the categorization of the data; the categories were based on the data collected (interviews, observations, annotations and other data) Among the main results, two categories were established for analysis, which were Empowerment and Community Participation, which were the most relevant within the various dynamics that emerge in this rural community, such as the organizational elements and main economic activity; that is remarkable that as an emerging category, the context emerged which serves to interpret the other categories of analysis; and it also includes the subcategories of collection, legal and technical, which was of great interest when visualizing the knowledge and learning that the community has had throughout its formation as a dairy association and as a potentiality the gregarious learning subcategory arises that allows to explain the various interactions within this collective.


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