Reflections on the use of the Smartphone in the foreign language classroom

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María Pastran Chirinos
Derly Cervantes Cerra
Dayson David Ahumada Ebratt
Numas Armando Gil Olivera


foreign languages, education, Smartphone, learning


This reflection article aimed to describe the impact that the use of the Smartphone has on foreign language teaching. To this end, a documentary review of the Smartphone as a teaching tool in the foreign language classroom and its various benefits was carried out. Among the results, it was found that the cell phone not only promotes the development of skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening, but is also considered a multimodal tool due to its multiple functions. And that it can be a great ally for teachers and students in the process of teaching and learning foreign languages, especially in this era in which Covid 19 has promoted remote education. In this sense, the teacher can design activities in applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, among others. Which, without doubt, encourage interaction and collaborative learning between students and teacher-students. Similarly, it is believed that these types of results merit further study and approach by the academy.

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