Perceptions about virtual learning with microlearning: case study of a professional training experience in a private organization

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Carol Rivero Panaqué
Edith Soria-Valencia


Virtual learning, microlearning, vocational training, adult learning, lifelong learning


This article analyzes the characteristics, benefits, drawbacks, and effectiveness of microlearning from a virtual training experience provided to employees of a private insurance company. The objectives of the study are: a) to identify the characteristics of microlearning in the virtual training courses offered to the collaborators of a company, b) to describe the benefits and drawbacks generated by microlearning, c) to identify the significant elements in the micro-content capsules that allowed learning. The research presents a descriptive design based on a case study and the information gathering techniques were the survey and the focus group. 133 professionals from various disciplines who work in different jobs in a private insurance company participate in the research. The results show that the success of microlearning is associated with the design of professional training programs that consider the ages, needs and demands of the users, who obviously have different learning requirements.

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