Design and validation of a battery to assess basic motor skills of children aged 5 -11

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Enoc Valentín González Palacio
Noelva Eliana Montoya Grisales
Yeison Andrés Cardona
Juan Paulo Marín
Bertha Aurora Muñoz



The intention of this research was to design and validate a battery on basic motor skills in boys and girls from 5 to 11 years old, useful both in the school context and in the sports initiation and training processes. The study was quantitative, not descriptive experimental, the content validation process had the participation of 12 experts in the field of school physical education, sports initiation and training, the biomedical area and physiotherapy. The test - retest assessment was made with 73 subjects; the inter-judge evaluation included the presence of 83 individuals, both male and female, with ages between 5 and 11 years old, belonging to Valle de Aburrá del departamento de Antioquia – Colombia. The battery was structured from 16 indicators or motor skills, distributed in three components: basic motor skills of locomotion, manipulation and stabilization-balance, which presented very positive values in content validity and intra- and inter-judge reliability. The main conclusion derived from the study is to offer a valid and reliable battery for the assessment and diagnosis of basic motor skills.

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