Approach to ethical and political training of students of the bachelor’s degree in primary basic education

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José Eriberto Cifuentes Medina
Nubia Elena Pineda de Cuadros
Martha Liliana Rodríguez Vivas


Ethics, Politics, Graduate Training, Basic Education


The point is in the double direction: on the one hand, highlighting the importance of Ethical Training and Politics of the Student of the Degree in Basic Education future graduated and by the other, the development of the Imperative Course in which future students will be in. the levels of education according to their field of action. The Ethical and Political Formation of University Students at the Pregrade Level in relation to those who are trained to be teachers of Primary Basic Education, corresponds to a background in their conceptions and imagery that assists in the correlation between theory and praxis. For this reason it is considered necessary and pertinent to deepen in the ethical and political formation of the graduate, in relation to the conceptual and its practical protection, in order to answer the mission, vision, objectives and justification of the program.

The graduate in Primary Basic Education, who by conviction and vocation has chosen by himself to enter higher education to strengthen his training in the field of education, pedagogy and didactics in order to respond to the teaching profession according to occupational profile  and professional and in accordance with the educational policies of Colombia. He must be competent in the proper context of his teaching practice in the fundamental and obligatory areas which he establishes in the general education, among them: “Ethical education and human values and social sciences, history, geography, political constitution and democracy”; purpose that inquires, controversies and proposes the present studio.

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