Quantitative scale for measurement of infection grade in rice seeds at laboratory level

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B L Méndez-Molina
L Y Moreno-Rozo
M Vergel-Ortega https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8285-2968


Severity, bacterial isolates, statistical analysis, virulence


In the research, the virulence of Burkholderia glumae against rice seeds certified by Fedearroz varieties F67, F68 and F2000 was evaluated; the bacterial isolates were reactivated in liquid medium JMV; the seeds were disinfected, then left in sterile distilled water for 2 days; then the DO of the Burkholderia glumae inoculum (isolated Bg007, Bg010 and Bg011) was dried and adjusted, making dilutions to evaluate concentrations from 108 to 103 cells per millilitre; the seeds were stirred with the inoculum, then taken empty for 10 minutes for each dilution and placed in Petri boxes with filter paper moistened with sterile distilled water for 7 days; when the seedlings were flooded, the parameters and severity level were measured. statistical analysis allowed to obtain dispersion graphs, error bar diagrams; multivariate Comparisons; the Test of Related Samples was performed from comparison of means, measurements were divided into quintiles to make a quantitative scale of severity. The statistical analysis showed that the most virulent strain was the Bg007 isolate and the least virulent was the Bg011 isolate, the rice variety most affected was the F2000 and the least affected was the F68.

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