Study of the application of energy generation systems with mini hydroelectric

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Jhan Piero Rojas Suarez
Mawency Vergel Ortega
Sofia Orjuela Abril


Energy matrix, greenhouse gas, hydroelectric plants, policies, renewable energy


Year after year, environmental studies show exponential growth in greenhouse gas emissions from thermos-electric plants and generators that use fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, among others. This highlights the importance of an urgent calling to countries for developing to the maximum the implementation of clean and renewable energy. Being Colombia, the 4th country in the world to have a wide hydraulic capacity, it is one of the poorest in the implementation of regulations and incentives, by government entities, for the use of this resource in the generation of renewable energy, governments like China, they have understood the advantage that the use of these energy alternatives implies, being pioneers in the implementation of small plants in rural areas where access to electricity grids is difficult. The development of this type of generators opens up a range of opportunities for Colombia, but the most interesting is the possibility of diversifying the energy matrix and the advantage of being able to reach small communities and towns that do not have this benefit, such as electrical energy. At this point, the implementation of the mini-micro power stations is key, which is perfect for meeting these needs.

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