Exploration of perceptions on school climate in a group of actors from educational institutions in southern Colombia

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Willian Sierra-Barón https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7642-477X
Catalina Trujillo Vanegas
Eliana Johana González-Vargas https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1666-877X


school climate, educational actors, educational institutions, interpersonal relationships, norms, safety, commitment, inclusion


The interactions between the different actors of the educational contexts define the dynamics in the school, based on their own perceptions, which configures the school climate (sc) and in turn structures their identity. This research aimed to contribute to the understanding of the school climate of actors from educational institutions in southern Colombia and was framed as a descriptive study through surveys, with a cross-sectional design. 783 educational actors participated (teachers = 18%, students = 71.13% and general community = 10.87%) from a group of educational institutions in southern Colombia. Three versions of cross-culturally adapted questionnaires were used, which assess school climate. The results provide elements of characterization of the sociodemographic profiles of the educational actors (decent, students and the general community), as well as the description of the dimensions present in the school climate that characterize their contexts (academic commitment and knowledge of the norms show the scores higher). In the three educational actors, the lowest scores are presented in the safety and school environment dimension (see), the lowest being those reported by students. It is recommended that future research delve into more advanced statistical analysis and the use of qualitative or mixed routes to broaden the comprehensive panorama.


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