Appropriation of communicative and technological competences in training teachers of a high-quality accredited program

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Raúl Prada Núñez
Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suarez
William Rodrigo Avendaño Castro


Appropriation level; generic competences; teacher training.


This research article aims to identify the level of appropriation of communication and technological   competences   that students of a Bachelor of Mathematics program have at a public university in Norte de Santander. The research method used was the descriptive- correlational quantitative, since the appropriation of the students’ competencies is compared at the beginning of their academic program (I and II semester) and close to finishing their curricular proposal (IX and X semester). A survey of 40 items was applied to 124 teachers in training, taking as sampling criteria to be active in the measurement semester and to be enrolled in the observation semesters. The results show the evolution of the development of these competences as the student advances in his curricular formation process, which is an element in favor of the curricular proposal that the academic program has.

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