Study on the modeling of the injection jet in diesel internal combustion engines with didactic applications

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Mawency Vergel
Jhan Piero Rojas
Martha Sofia Orjuela Abril


Diesel, injection, modeling, experimental design, physical principles.


In this work, the teaching-research experimental methods and designs used to model the liquid jet in Diesel internal combustion engines and the validation of said models are studied; In addition, it seeks to know the current trend in this field. Also, know the physical principles and the technological trend of the injection process, in order to lay a foundation for future work on the subject. This approach found that the current trend is to improve combustion to produce less polluting matter, in order to comply with current regulations, it was also shown that CFD modeling is the tool most used by researchers in the last year, due to its relative low cost and its precision, in technological terms direct injection is still the most researched option and cavitation now presents a relatively virgin field of research due to its complexity, these reasons make cavitation an interesting field of research, on the other On the other hand, the use of injection banks is the most used form of validation, due to the ease of observing the process and controlling the different parameters that govern the injection, on the other hand, optical methods are an interesting option to collect data due to their accuracy.

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