Parameter estimation of a mathematical model of HIV/ AIDS transmission in Pasto-Colombia

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Marilin Nathalya Guerrero Laos
Miller Cerón Gómez
Eduardo Ibarguen Mondragón


HIV-AIDS, mathematical model, parameter esti- mation, genetic algorithm.


Since 1981, HIV has devastated a large num- ber of lives, in which children, adolescents and adults are involved. Although death caused by HIV has been reduced thanks to “antiretroviral” drugs, it continues to spread in the population. Therefore, a mathematical model was formulated in ordinary differential equations to study the dynamics of HIV transmission in the City of Pasto-Colombia. The model considers the popu- lation segmented into three compartments; sus- ceptible, infected and protected. For the analy- sis of the mathematical model, data from people infected with HIV during the year 2008 to 2018 were used, which served as the basis for the es- timation of parameters.

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