The understanding of polygons through geogebra in seventh grade students

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Deisy Tatiana Cuervo Lancheros
Carlos Andrés Fonseca Cuervo
Omaida Sepúlveda Delgado


GeoGebra, segmets, irregular polygon, regular polygon, distance.


The objective of this research article is the recognition of basic geometry concepts through the design and application of a diagnostic test that involves the use of the dynamic software GeoGebra. This test is part of a research study in which the research question is posed: ¿How can didactic situations mediated by the GeoGebra program lead seventh grade students in an educational institution to the construction and understanding of regular polygons? The test was applied to thirty seventh grade students of an Educational Institution in the department of Boyacá (Colombia).

A descriptive qualitative approach is adopted in the study, and the analysis of the information is carried out according to the assumptions of the Theory of Didactic Situations and Van Hiele’s model. Among the results evidenced from the implementation of the diagnostic test are some of the students’ difficulties in the autonomous and complete development of the proposed problem situation and others related to the exchange and comparison of information with other students.

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