Intrafamily violence in times of pandemic in a community of the special tourist and cultural district in the department of La Guajira
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Family, domestic violence, time of pandemic
This article makes visible through the general objective to analyze the increase in intrafamily violence in times of pandemic in the department of the Guajira, municipality of Riohacha, in this order of ideas, from different methodological perspectives, this research is quantitative, descriptive , correlational field, the population was characterized by a sample of ten families, which allowed a detailed analysis of the multiplicity of risk and vulnerability factors that arises from physical and psychological intrafamily violence, also verbal and sexual, as well as likewise, the results show psychological and social inconveniences in the victimizers, lack of affection, inadequate parental relations and poor family coexistence, absence of socio- psychoeducation actions in time of confinement on the phenomenon presented, and a marked cultural influence of the role of the family in society. In conclusion. The contingency situation and its different manifestations of domestic violence require measures by the different government entities, in addition to the implementation of health measures that tend to mitigate the devastating effects on people by mandatory confinement, although the protection measures limit the intervention or make it more restricted from the mental health area, tools can be implemented from the institutions to address the harmful effects of intrafamily violence in times of pandemic in the department of the Guajira, municipality of Riohacha.