Peasant pedagogical praxis, an alternative bet recreated from popular education

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Stella Pino Salamanca


Popular education, pedagogical praxis


Popular Education has gone through various scenarios, leaving learnings and seeds that in this case are limited to formal education, based PRAXIS PEDAGÓGICA CAMPESINA, APUESTA ALTERNATIVA RECREADA DESDE LA EDUCACIÒN POPULAR REVISTA BOLETÍN REDIPE 10 (8): 43-54 - AGOSTO 2021 - ISSN 2256-1536 · 44 on the educational work of a peasant teacher who develops his praxis from the principles and axes of Popular Education. Aspect that implies an inflection of the educational tradition, its form of action and what regulates it, to show the problematizing axes that from the curricular, pedagogical and social aspects impact the school and its dynamics. In this way, a thought and praxis are developed that configure a weave of pedagogical knowledge that potentially gives life to education from other issues, forging critical subjectivities, collective subjects that fight from other places and that de-cloister the pedagogy of the classroom and of school to establish another way of thinking, of becoming permanently. It is from this peasant commitment that hope is nurtured, with new realities, with other subjects, in an otherness that respects the difference and that leads to experience horizontal relationships to achieve rebellious, restless subjectivities that constitute their own forms of language, of encounter, to be and to be.

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