Mathematical campsites for the development of critical thinking in secondary basic students in rural educational centers.
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Critical thinking, Mathematics, Educational Centers, Students
In today’s society, where subjects deserve new teaching perspectives, it is required that teaching professionals focus on the planning and implementation of teaching strategies and activities aimed at the orientation and adaptation of teaching, especially in areas that imply complexity for students, as is the case in mathematics. In this sense, the main objective of the research is “To evaluate the application of mathematical camping as a strategy in the development of critical thinking in CER students. Our Lady of Carmen”. The research was carried out under the qualitative paradigm, using interview and observation as techniques through the script of questions made to the students and teachers of the institution, which were analyzed under open coding. As findings, it was obtained that the teachers’ practices are based on traditionalism, such as educational planning and evaluation. Given this, it was necessary to apply and systematize the proposal of the mathematical campsites, which obtained great reception and favorable results from the students.
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