Learning processes in the mathematical knowledge in the teachers of the public institutions of primary basics of the valledupar municipality.

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Teovaldo García Romero
Wilcar Damián Cifuentes Álvarez
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo


Learning process, knowing mathematics, basic education


The present research aims to establish the learning process of mathematical knowledge in teachers of public elementary schools of the Valledupar Municipality, it is based on the theoretical positions of Maturana (2015),Echeverría (2013) Urquiza (2005), Flores (2000); among others, that allows a different look at the educational context. It is developed from a positivist approach of a descriptive,non-experimental, transectional, field type. For the population, 16 educational institutions were selected, the sample being 46 teachers with homogeneous characteristics. The survey and questionnaire technique was applied, with a reliability of 0.85 being highly reliable. The results show the need to generate new ways of approaching mathematical knowledge that converge with the student’s interests to achieve meaningful learning; Therefore, today it requires an effective commitment that leads to the internalization of new competences to face the challenge of current demands resulting from the transformation of the local, regional and national system.

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