Influence of attitudes on the learning environments of the pedagogical practices of the teacher of Mathematics

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Dayana Paola Gómez Barbosa
Raúl Prada Núñez
César Augusto Hernández Suárez


Attitudes, learning environments, pedagogical practices, mathematical teaching, academic performance


Mathematics in education has been an área of quite discussion and rigor, since these have proven to be a generator of frustration,discourage, distress, low academic performance in students and therefore negative attitudes in teachers by not achieving the expected results. Various research has concluded that this problema is not only due to mathematical knowledge, but also that the learning environments promoted by the teacher and the attitude that the teacher presents towards his class are immersed, generating rejection or in the opposite sense taste and knowledge. This research aims to focus on the relationship between attitudes and learning environments and the influence on math teacher practices. As for the methodology adopted it conforms to the characteristics of the quantitative approach, at the descriptive level with a field design. The sample taken for this research consists of a group of 80 teachers working in public or private institutions in Cúcuta and its metropolitan area. A questionnaire was applied that has been validated where several constructs are evaluated and of them is established relationship between two of them, one consisting of 16 items that correspond to the construct of attitudes towards mathematics and 8 items corresponding to the block of learning environments that are evaluated by a five-level Likert scale. The results allow to visualize a broad correlation between attitudes and learning environments, since when performing the cross tables, it was found that of the 128 correlated items there are 58 that have links between their aspects, therefore, we can show that both the attitudes presented by the teacher in the classroom and the environments he promotes for learning go hand in hand and determine motivation in his students and effectiveness in the teaching process.

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