Geometric dependence in the composition of the stained glass window of the Holy Spirit in the Cathedral of San José de Cúcuta
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Sacred architecture, stained glass art, geometry and iconography
This article is derived from the research in sacred architecture developed by the mathematics and architecture programs of the UFPS, whose objective, for this case, is the patrimonial appreciation of this light element with great symbolic and artistic value. The methodology carried out for this research begins with the graphic survey of the elements to be studied, their location and the solar incidence. At the same time, the compilation of documentation is necessary to establish historical, typological, iconological and geometric ties. In this way, the observation, analysis and interpretation lost the distinction of size, shape, iconography and geometry, for the patrimonial recognition of the 3.25m diameter stained glass window of the Holy Spirit, located on the side of the Cathedral of San José de Cúcuta.Keywords: sacred architecture, stained glass art, geometry and iconography.
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