Learning the object fraction in a rural context

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Juan Carlos Jaimes Valbuena https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6846-4782
Nelsy Rocío González Gutiérrez https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5710-6063
Carlos Arturo Carvajal Pulido


Fraction, semiotic representations, problem solving, rural education


The multiple applications of the mathematical object fraction in everyday life require that, at school, its teaching should be given special attention by the teacher. Therefore, in this Classroom Action Research, with a qualitative approach, the question arose: How to favor the learning of the fraction object and its semiotic representations in fourth and fifth grade students of the rural sector in multigrade classrooms? In this sense, this proposal was aimed at promoting the learning of the fraction object and its semiotic registers of representation in students with these characteristics. The implementation was done with fourth and fifth grade students of the Institución Educativa las Mercedes, Golondrinas branch of the municipality of Chiscas - Boyacá. The research was carried out from a didactic sequence based on the approach and resolution of contextualized problems, with frame of reference in the theory of semiotic representations Duval (2017); this was designed based on the results of the diagnostic test conducted for this purpose. It was concluded that, just as our ancestors worked the fraction object from those problems that arose in their environment, students of this era can build significant learning by approaching mathematical objects from contextualized problems, favoring the appropriate use of diverse semiotic representations for the same mathematical object.

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