Cultural observatory at the UNACAR starting from Covid 19: metodological setting.
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Netnography, Cultural consumption, Pandemic, Cultural offer, Youngsters
With the objective to be aware of the bachelor’s degree students’ cultural consumption at the Universidad Autónoma del Carmen (UNACAR), the institution’s Cultural Observatory will be created. A mixed methodology is proposed for the present research project, it is about basic inquiring and according to its depth is correlational because the bachelor’s degree students’ cultural consumption through internet at the UNACAR and the institution’s cultural offer will be learnt. An observational netnography technique will be applied to find out what and how do the subjects culturally consume, through technology, as university students and as youngsters after their academic activities. The work with focus groups is considered as a fundamental part of the methodology, from the resulting analysis a proposal of an instrument will be articulated to offer the UNACAR alternatives when designing a cultural activities program.
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