Mathematical pattern identification practices: teaching and pre – columbian art.
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Regularities and patterns, Pre-columbian figures, University professors, Plastic arts, Mathematical practice
The present innovation proposal is derived from a transdisciplinary, descriptive, and qualitative inquiry that supports the classroom project, which is carried out to promote learning based on the theory of social practice. The innovation, in the first university semester, requires the support of the teacher by the researchers, from the plastic arts and mathematics education. The purpose is on the participation experience of university students and professors, in an attempt to allow a collective construction around the mathematical practices of identification, and use of regularities and patterns, mediated by observation, creation, and inductive reasoning around pre-Columbian iconography. A description of the common enterprise is presented regarding the creation of regularities, the use of patterns, scales, 3D creations, and the structuring of inductive reasoning, with a follow-up from the participation that is observed in the community of practice of the class.
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