Didactic strategies as motivational tool in teaching learning process the english languages in Business Administration’s students, at the Guajira University.

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Yeisy Elibeth Mendoza
Tatiana Simary Britto González
José Alfonso Yaguna Núñez


Strategies, Motivational tool, Teaching, Learning


The Goals of the study was to describe the didactic strategies as a motivational tool in the teachinglearning process of the English language. The research methodology was qualitative, the population was made up of 4 actors; Two students and two teachers from the business administration program of the University of La Guajira Villanueva, as an instrument the semistructured interview was handled, the results of which allowed to discover that it is possible to generate mechanisms that optimize the teachinglearning process and in turn emerge from these, the motivational hook in the student. It was concluded that it is common for the teacher to identify with one or the other strategies, ignoring that the richness of these as a motivational tool is in the intentional combination of them, according to the elements of the competencies to which they aim, to strengthen the training academic. On the other hand, the identification of the failed aspects in the strategies can be corrected using communication, a harmonious work environment and the application of strategies as devices, thus achieving a greater integration of its actors on the other, highlighting the valuable aspects that add value and quality to profesional training.

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