¡all good! The challenge of improving interpersonal relationships in colombian schooling adolescents.

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Mauricio Herrera López
Eva Romera https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9414-8019
Rosario Ortega Ruiz


Interpersonal relationships, Empathy, Social goals, Social self-efficacy, Social and normative adjustment


Interpersonal relationships between adolescents are relevant in learning and school coexistence. The individual and contextual dimensions that influence interpersonal relationships among adolescents were analyzed. Participants were 1084 adolescents (52.8% women) from Colombia, aged between 11 and 19 years (M= 14.9, SD= 1.89). The psychometric properties of the scales used were analyzed. A model of structural equations informed the relationships and influences of empathy, prosociality, social goals, social self-efficacy and normative adjustment on social adjustment. Optimal psychometric properties were found for the scales and adequate adjustments of the explanatory model; this indicated that empathy, prosociality and social self-efficacy with peers predict the quality of interpersonal relationships. It highlights the negative influence of social selfefficacy with teachers towards the quality of relationships, and of the normative adjustment on social performance with peers. Guidelines for the development of prosociality and empathy are discussed.

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