Emerging pedagogies & education 4.0: towards a holistic teaching model.

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Torcoroma Velásquez Pérez
Libardo Flórez Villamizar
Hugo Fernando Castro Silva https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6020-402X


Emerging pedagogies, Education 4.0, Holistic teaching


Today’s educational models have lost their validity, especially when education has faced a transition from face-to-face education to technology-mediated education, for which no one was prepared; the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic (SARS-CoV-2) has left indelible traces in the historical development of humanity; systems have had to re-invent themselves on the fly and adjust to new structures to give continuity to education and training processes; from there emerges the objective of this contribution: to generate a theoretical-practical compendium of emerging pedagogies and education 4. 0 for the constitution of a holistic teaching model for the academic improvement of university students of the School of Systems Engineering of the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña. Research framed in the mixed methods (quantitative - qualitative), developed in three moments: first documentary moment, second moment semi-structured interview for teachers and the third moment survey to students. Reflected through artificial neural networks (multilayer perceptron), and the packpropagation training algorithm; together with the ROC curve (receiver operating characteristic curve) using SPSS software. The results obtained show that emerging pedagogies and education 4.0 are becoming an innovative pedagogical methodology.

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