Community intervention from physical education, a transforming process of social realities.

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Andrés Fernando Balcázar Vega
Nicolás Guarnizo Carballo
Fernando Campos Polo


Human capital, Social capital, Free time, Community intervention


This article summarizes the most representative elements of an investigative exercise that will demonstrate how the community intervention processes developed from the OCÚPATE project of the Universidad de los Llanos (Colombia) have influenced the social transformation of the Madrid neighborhood. from the municipality of Villavicencio. The research carried out adopted a qualitative descriptive method in which, through the implementation of interview techniques and documentary review, sufficient information is collected that, when contrasted and analyzed, yielded results that support the continuity of the dynamics of community intervention in the mentioned community. The results showed that the community intervention developed in the light of the social responsibility of the University focuses on three particular elements, the recreational and productive occupation of free time, the strengthening of human capital and the empowerment of social capital, not being these the The only aspects favored in the process, but if the most relevant, it is in this sense that the conclusions show how the community intervention processes carried out through the Ocúpate project of the Universidad de los Llanos have been contributing to social development from the Madrid neighborhood of Villavicencio.

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Determinar de qué manera los procesos de intervención realizados a partir del proyecto OCÚPATE de la Universidad de la Llanos, han incidido en el fortalecimiento del capital humano y el capital social para el desarrollo comunitario del barrio la Madrid de Villavicencio.

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