Teaching-Learning of muscular function from movement analysis.
Main Article Content
Higher education, Active learning, Qualitative analysis, Sensorimotor activities, Anatomy
The fundamentals of teaching at university level include the interrelation of three elements: the student, the teacher, and knowledge. The first one approaches teaching with a particular knowledge structure that may facilitate or limit learning; the second one develops specific conceptualizations according to their own life experiences and schooling; and the third one upholds cultural and social links, and also has a history and epistemology that shapes the content to be taught. The objective of this article is to use movement analysis for the teaching-learning (TL) of muscle function. For this purpose, a case study was carried out to analyze the function of the trunk muscles through the movement analysis of a Paralympic shot put, through the observation, description and analysis of video footage filmed during the athlete’s habitual training sessions. For the analysis, the phases of a conventional throw and the phases of the Paralympic throw were taken into account, from which a series of animated illustrations were made and a table was formulated to describe the muscular actions taking place in each of them. It is considered that the use of this T-L strategy aids students in understanding muscle activity from the observation, analysis, representation and explanation of movements, and it is replicable across different sportive or daily activities.
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