Teaching-Learning of muscular function from movement analysis.

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Luz Edith Pérez Trejos https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7907-7339
Janneth Rocío Zúñiga https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9167-9906
Sonia Osorio Toro


Higher education, Active learning, Qualitative analysis, Sensorimotor activities, Anatomy


The fundamentals of teaching at university level include the interrelation of three elements: the student, the teacher, and knowledge. The first one approaches teaching with a particular knowledge structure that may facilitate or limit learning; the second one develops specific conceptualizations according to their own life experiences and schooling; and the third one upholds cultural and social links, and also has a history and epistemology that shapes the content to be taught. The objective of this article is to use movement analysis for the teaching-learning (TL) of muscle function. For this purpose, a case study was carried out to analyze the function of the trunk muscles through the movement analysis of a Paralympic shot put, through the observation, description and analysis of video footage filmed during the athlete’s habitual training sessions. For the analysis, the phases of a conventional throw and the phases of the Paralympic throw were taken into account, from which a series of animated illustrations were made and a table was formulated to describe the muscular actions taking place in each of them. It is considered that the use of this T-L strategy aids students in understanding muscle activity from the observation, analysis, representation and explanation of movements, and it is replicable across different sportive or daily activities.

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