Ethics, coexist school and family: Towards an educational political culture in Boyacá department 2020

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Emmanuel Bolívar Torres


Citizenship, Family, Coexistence, Human rights


The department of Boyacá has been mitigating through some projects holding education accountable, for the gaps established by community and social inequality in the country.

Through systematic studies in educational matters, this has given vital importance to the attitudes family and community quality that education can transmit to students. Thus subtracting these elements leads to violence reoccurring in schools. Understand the cultural factors that lead to patterns, can be inherited to new generations, affecting emotions, feelings and motivations that students must undertake on their way to their knowledge, and in the background, subjective, socioeconomic contexts, communicational and affective, from the center of the family, can be affected by everyday circumstances, which must be corrected in going forward, including ethical and moral factors that leads toward good living and exemplary citizenship. An ethical is one of those initiatives that aims to provide a tool to dictate a psychological way in which families can express their frustrations to the authorities in the department. This initiative shows our study is focused on the educational community and direct One of the great paradigms still unresolved is that people relate the concepts of coexistence and expressions, through parameters of different cultures – susceptibility by the enigmas of the differences and similarities, that attend to different conflicts due to closed in institutions and classrooms. We have put forth a constructive tool called “ethical pact by Boyacá 2.0” on educational cultural policy, which aims to strengthen families, as the first axis of formation of societies and their apprehended patterns. In the primary context of defending their daughters and sons, in the area of Human Rights. The Inter-institutional protection, educational policy in coexistence, mitigation of domestic violence and school and bullying. In this investigative process, an ethical pact intended to publicize the inter-institutional instances (legal, municipal, family, psychological and pedagogical), was made in Boyacá department as the first experience, which could benefit in defending the rights and protect children and adolescents (NNA) in all departments, accompanied by recreational - legal factors, which showed the cultural realities.

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