Characterization of the training of elementary and middle school teachers in Bogotá through spatial data analysis

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Gabriel Elías Chanchí Golondrino
Manuel Alejandro Ospina Alarcón
Martín Emilio Monroy Ríos


Spatial analysis, Elementary education, Middle education, Professional formation, Geoda


One of the key factors that have an impact on the quality of elementary and secondary education is the professional and highlevel training of teachers, an aspect for which there is no evidence of studies based on spatial analysis of the data. In this article we present as a contribution the application of spatial analysis of data in the characterization of the professional training of elementary and middle school teachers in the city of Bogota. The study proposed in this article was developed from the dataset provided by the open data portal of Bogota for the year 2019, using the free software tool GeoDa, which allows a spatial analysis of quantiles and linear correlation, as well as the application of clustering models using the K-Means algorithm. The developed study is intended to support decision making by the relevant authorities with respect to coverage and investment in teacher training in the different localities of the city of Bogota. Similarly, this study is intended to serve as a reference to be extrapolated both at the level of different departments, as well as at the national level, in order to characterize and evaluate the quality of education in Colombia.

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