The interaction in the education mediated by ICT forced during the locking up by Covid-19. An analysis from the perspectives of students.

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Raúl Prada Núñez
César Augusto Hernández Suárez
William Rodrigo Avendaño Castro


Interaction, ICT-mediated education, Virtual education, Covid-19


The objective was to describe the interactions in distance learning during the confinement by Covid-19, between students and teacher, student-students and between students and content. Methodologically it was descriptive and field design with quantitative methods, the sample consisted of 100 students from the bachelor’s Program in Early Childhood Education at the Francisco de Paula Santander University. A questionnaire with 34 questions with various answer options was used. The results determined that the homework assignment was the most used by the students, which required constant interaction with the content. It was concluded that the interactions in distance education required during confinement by Covid-19, require different forms of interactions for students to incorporate elements of support for teaching between distance learners, content, their peers, and their teachers with a system of adequate tools that provide formative and summative evaluation, with synchronous and asynchronous methods.

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