Application of multivariate statistical methods to identify factors that affect the use of psychoactive substances in Colombia.

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Efrain Arnoldo Boom Cárcamo
Francisco José Garcia Payares
Claudia Marcela Vergel Castro
Danny Daniel Ortega Alvarez


Statistical analysis, Multivariate techniques, Prevention, Psychoactive substances


Objective: Establish the main factors that affect the consumption of illegal psychoactive substances in Colombia through the application of multivariate statistical techniques. Method: Responses of 500 randomly selected people from the national survey on the consumption of psychoactive substances in the general population of Colombia were considered. Data were analyzed with binary logistic regression, multiple correspondence analysis, and cluster analysis.

Results: The probabilities that people who are curious and who are offered to consume hallucinogenic substances are offered to try drugs were identified as high. It is confirmed that a person will have a greater possibility of consuming drugs if members of their closest psychosocial environment consume. The psychoactive substance with the highest consumption and which is most offered to the citizens of Colombia is marijuana. 4 clusters were identified according to the type of consumption, which were called pot, cocaine addicts, polydrug use and out of the ordinary. Discussions: People who use and have friends who use psychoactive substances correlate with ease of access to psychoactive substances. Stability and consistency were detected between the different levels of access to drugs, that is, if it is easy for a person to acquire a specific drug, it will be just as easy for them to acquire other types of drugs and if it is difficult for them to obtain a specific substance, it will be just as difficult for you to obtain any of the other substances tested.

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