Metric for the management of economic sustainability, in cocoa production systems

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Alberto Ducuara Manrique
Armando Torrente Trujillo


Model, Sustainability, Indicators, Cocoa, Management


This article is part of the research work to determine a methodological model that facilitates monitoring and evaluating the management of economic sustainability in cocoa plantations in Huila. There it is proposed as a main objective, to design a quantitative model, which guides the efficient management in cocoa production systems, from a set of indicators, by the producers, under a rationality and specific motivation.

Scientific research analyzes variables and in a cocoa production system, we find various variables of input, process and result. From this principle and from an eclectic perspective, it is intended to find a methodology, focused on metrics with sustainability indicators.

In this sense, it is proposed to use a hierarchical structure for the selection of indicators, adapted from the Theory of Principles, Criteria and Indicators (Lammerts van Bueren & Blom, 1996) PC&I. The research process in process, plans to carry out an empirical validation in cocoa production systems in the northern area of the department of Huila. The methodological model to be developed should serve as a tool for the decision-making process of the producer and institutions, at the local, regional or global level.

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