Difficulties demonstrated by basic education students in the interpretation of kinematic graphics

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Raúl Prada Núñez
Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suárez https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9755-6408
William Rodrigo Avendaño Castro


Semiotic registers of representation, Conceptions, Space-time graphics


This document presents the difficulties that were identified in a group of 76 students from sixth to ninth grade of a private educational institution whose training emphasis is the teaching of Natural Sciences. A questionnaire was applied to them in which there were five proposed situations which were based on the PositionTime graph associated with Uniform Rectilinear Motion. A quantitative approach was adopted at a descriptive level with a field design since the questionnaire was filled in by the primary informants. The main finding was identified as the presence of conceptions about the subject, so that there is no total understanding of the subject due to the teaching methodology promoted by the teacher. The results show that students have a long list of difficulties mainly due to the lack of articulation of mathematical concepts in physical contexts, a situation that prevents them from analyzing the proposed statements, reasoning about the approaches, and improving in the process of searching for alternative solutions with clear arguments.

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