Prioritize problems in mathematics learning using the Vester matrix

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Nelsy Rocío González Gutiérrez
Yuber Bayardo Rodríguez Pérez


Mathematics Education, Priority of problems, Causes and effects, Teaching and learning, Vester Matrix


This article shows an efficient technique for detection and prioritization of problems present in the teaching and learning processes of school mathematics. To do this, it introduces the Vester matrix as a facilitating instrument in the detection of factors that have a greater incidence in the training processes of nine (9) students, in sixth level, of the Institución Educativa Divino Niño Cormal of the Municipality of Quípama - Boyacá, located in the rural sector. The research had a mixed sequential approach with a predominance of the qualitative paradigm. This action allowed the integration of various sectors of the educational community in the process of detecting the causes that negatively influenced the teaching and learning processes of mathematics in the study subjects, evidencing an efficient procedure towards the prioritization of the problems that presented the greatest influence on the academic achievements of the students. Once the educational threats had been prioritized, a contextualized didactic sequence was used that made it possible to demonstrate that the students significantly improved their academic performance. It was evidenced that the interaction with the student’s context motivates the acquisition of meaningful learning, not only allowing the students to feel empathy towards the area but also giving the teacher the possibility of turning their practice into a fun and innovative experience, developing different possibilities of interaction and assessment of mathematical knowledge.

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